Sunday, 14 October 2012


Its the last day of my holiday today:( gonna start poly tmrw:) really suck, i think i still have like a few dreams i haven accomplished like some going with x and y and z etc.. :(

Went to play badminton today again! Glad that I toned some muscles and sweat it out! But oh gosh, I really smelt leh, even though during np/cibtc, we had alot of physical training and like running, but i didnt smelt as badly even though I was like a drenched chicken. But my goodness, I think I really stank, like not BO(DUH!) is like those sweaty smelly, I told my dad and asked him why I suddnly smelt so bad, he said wad my body has alot of toxi, food rotted, blabla, makes sense though! I haven shitted for like 1.5 days and I drank :) So should be ba! teeheehee But i felt damn cui and nua, luckily my dad sent me home, I was able to wash up and nua on the sofa. I was so damn lazy to comb my hair. TADA! UNKEMPT JOLYN WITH SOME SWAROSKI CRYSTALZ:


and then I decided to do some braiding:) is like a the fringe there... mehh iphone cam suddenly suck


But before going for badminton, dropped by bugis awhile and was loitering at the kids section and chanced upon so many pretty and kewt bibs! Don't they look adorable and delicious, hahaha prolly, there will be like a "bibs" trend for  woman next time since peterpan collars etc. are so in trend now. haha, I hope I will have a daughter next time! Then I can decorate her like  a little princess:) and she is gonna have those kewt little voice and those silky moistured hair and oh! lovely kewt bangs:) YAY!

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